What a year it was!
Here's a very abbreviated recap:
January: I started teaching preschool at Flips Clubhouse, I was so excited for this opportunity. We had a great class size, despite the fact that we were starting in the middle of the school year. I thought for sure it would continue to grow and become a huge thing.
We celebrated Alex's 5th birthday, visited St. George, started potty training Liya and found these amazing doors , 70% off , that were a custom order for someone else... The exact measurements of our front doors!!
Got a positive pregnancy test... oops! Start the tummy photos. Celebrated Josh's birthday, spent 1.5 in the bowling alley bathroom throwing up. Went to the zoo with our bestest friends.
Ryan installed said door. Aliya sleeps in weird positions. Easter egg hunt at our house and Gma and Gpa Boos. Another trip to St George .
Announced I was pregnant. Another classic #aliyasleeping. Flips was bought out and became Mountain West. I turned 30, and Ryan eased the pain. Visited the Gardens at Thanksgiving point with Gma and Gpa Boo. Got a call from Alex's Dr. saying his blood tests came back positive for him having Celiacs. Cried a lot. Scheduled an endoscopy to confirm diagnosis. (Documented his last time eating at McDonalds :( )
My little lovie has his endoscopy and Celiacs is confirmed. Feels like our life turned upside down. We mourn a bit. Sleepin' Liya... Went to Jayden's school for lunch. Cue Aliya's obsession with dresses, skirts, and hats. Second grade talent show. We find out Kason is a BOY! And preschool graduation, where it turns out I won't be going back :-(
Kicked off the summer with a BBQ with my family. Thanks to Gma Boo's work, we got to hang out at Lagoon. I got to take lots of pictures as I was really pregnant, and couldn't go on many rides. We had our first camping trip of the year with our friends. Alex graduated from upstart, and I have nothing but good things to say about the program. Took a quick trip down to St. George where the kids stayed in the pool all day long. I spent summer mornings on the patio watching Bella be harassed by a skinny little squirrel .
Jayden turned 8 and was baptized the following month. Went up to a firework show for the 4th of July. Aliya saw her first movie and.. Bear Lake!!!
Jayden was baptized! Another trip to St. George, and the zoo. My baby girl turned 3. Jayden starts third grade, and Alex starts kindergarten. And our master bath was gutted. It was a bittersweet month.

This was the month of Kason. And hospital visits for mom. The rest of the year is a blur ;)
Kason came off o2 midmonth. Aliya started swim lessons with her buddy. Halloween party with Gma and Gpa Boo and cousins. Went trick or treating at Gma and Gpa S. Crazy hair day at school.
After much hassle between us and our mortgage lender... the bathroom remodel finally started. I slowly started putting Christmas up. I played the Santa for the kid's pictures. Gma Boo bought all the kids Christmas outfits for pictures.
I've been blogging about December. So pics are there. But, Kason was blessed. We saw Santa a few times. Christmas treated us well. We went to St George for the week after Christmas. And spent NYE together as a family.